Data files

Data file configurations: The NAES08-Phone data are provided in the following configurations:

  • National Rolling Cross-Section — full file (all variables) and compact file (excludes verbatim data)
  • National RCS and Post-Election Reinterview — full file (all variables) and compact file (excludes verbatim data)

File formats: Both SPSS (.sav) and ASCII tab-delimited formats (.txt) are provided (the downloads are .zip archives):

  • The SPSS files are compatible with version 7.5 and higher.
  • The ASCII tab-delimited files can be imported into a range of data analysis applications. Cases are delimited by carriage return, and within cases, variables are delimited by tab characters. Variable names are displayed in the first row of the file.

Data column suffixes: In the data files, data columns representing cross-section variables have a _c suffix, and data columns representing reinterview variables have an _r suffix. Variable RKEY, which uniquely identifies respondents across interviewing components, has no suffix. (More information)

Contents: Data for respondents who participated in the National Rolling Cross-Section (n = 57,967)

Contents: Data for respondents who participated in both the National RCS and the Post-Election Reinterview (n = 3,737)